UTFA is the only independent, democratically accountable collective advocate for faculty and librarians at the University of Toronto
The University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) is the professional organization of the faculty and librarians of the University of Toronto and affiliated institutions (St. Michael's College, Trinity College, and Victoria University). Until 1972 it was known as the Association of the Teaching Staff which was in turn the result of the 1954 reorganization of the Committee to Represent the Teaching Staff, an organization dating from about 1940. In 1977, the Association negotiated the Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Toronto, which guarantees the minimum rights, privileges and benefits to which members of the academic staff are entitled. Under the Memorandum of Agreement, the Association shares with the University of Toronto Governing Council responsibility for the so-called “frozen” policies, which can be changed only by mutual consent, and bargains with the Governing Council for salaries and benefits. Although UTFA is not a certified bargaining unit (union), it is recognized by the administration as the representative of the faculty for certain purposes such as salaries, benefits and pensions negotiations and grievance carriage.
“The purpose of the Association is to promote the welfare of the current and retired faculty, librarians, and research associates of the University of Toronto….”(from Article II of our Constitution). The Association is thus concerned with the economic well-being and conditions of employment of its members, as well as with maintaining the quality and integrity of the University as an academic institution.
The affairs of UTFA are managed by a Council of about 60 people, who are elected by the membership on a constituency basis for three-year-terms, approximately one-third being elected to take office on July 1st of each year. Detailed policy development is undertaken by standing committees and an Executive Committee and submitted to Council through the Executive Committee. The Association has a small staff responsible for the implementation of policy and the day-to-day operations of the Association.