There are several reasons why every website owner should decide to optimize his online asset for mobile devices. Even though we tried, we couldn't find any good reason for the opposite. This is the time when mobile devices are overtaking the internet space. More and more people use them, and many of them have more than one device. Mobile phones are used on the go, in public transportation, during sports activities, at work, at home, everywhere.
Because of the nature of human behaviour and habbits (mobile devices undergo human habbits with great success):
- smart phones and tablets are becoming the number one tool for internet surfing,
- smart phones and tablets are becoming the number one tool for finding necessary information quickly
- mobile devices are leaving PC's and laptops far behind themselves on the internet browsing arena
We want to name and explain the most important reasons why all websites should be optimized for mobile devices, as there are still companies who might be on the wrong track, thinking the opposite.

First, the increase in the number of mobile devices (that is tablets and mobile phones) is enormous in the last few years. And the trend is going to rise. We are living in the Era of The Rise of Mobile. According to the report from comScore, 2014 was the year when mobile devices grew in numbers to the point when there were more of them than desktop computers. There are more than 2 billion of mobile devices in the world now, and the progressive rate at which this number rises is huge.
Second, people are spending more and more time using their mobile "friends", watching rich media, and surfing the internet. According to the research from KPCB mobile technology trends, this time has grown far over 51% in favour of mobile devices, against desktops with their 42%. Another interesting information is that mobile use grows by 58% every year. So, it is not the question do you lose if your website is not optimized for mobile? The question is how much you lose? Well, it seems that with each day you lose more. But, it doesn't mean that website design for desktops should be degraded by improving the design for mobile devices. You should take care your website shows and works well on all platforms. Trends are important, but despite the rising trend of internet usage on mobile devices, the desktop still has its place and a high position in the number of website visits in most industries.
Third, from April 21, 2015, Google search expanded its use of mobile-friendliness in ranking sites. Searches in all world languages are affected by this, and so are the search results. It's all about relevance: users of different devices now get more relevant results according to the device they are using. This change doesn't affect the search results on desktops, but will help you be better positioned in search results on mobile devices.
- Fourth, if you have an eCommerce website, and it is not mobile friendly, you are generating income only from desktop users. You are completely neglecting the fact that your sales volume and profit may increase by making your online store available to the users of mobile phones and tablets. User experience is critical for your potential customers to decide whether to purchase from your store, or not. If it is easy to navigate, and to find relevant products and information about them, it is more likely that visitors will convert into buyers. If they have trouble finding your site, and then seeing what you have to offer, how your products look like, what are their characteristics, and prices, discounts, special offers, they will just go somewhere else, where it is easier to look, search, and finally shop.
Online Commerce websites not optimized for mobile devices are losing traffic and money. It is as simple as that. To keep up with competition, more and more sites get optimized, so you should optimize yours too. Investment in mobile friendliness of your online store is a reasonable choice. It doesn't have to cost too much, as there are many companies offering optimization at pretty fair rates. However, it is not all about the price. This is a professional matter and should be entrusted to professionals. So, choose wisely.